
Bless the Lord, whose name is to be praised,
Our Father who art in heaven,
who has given us his laws,
to show us the error of our ways,
Blessed is his son, Christ the Messiah,
who redeemed us from having broken them.
Blessed are you, O Holy Spirit,
who assists us in sinning no more,
and sustains us in the way of the Lord,
grant us wisdom and understanding this day.

Old Testament Reading - Joseph in prison

Joseph in Prison
Joseph in Prison

Picture courtesy of Abiding in the Vine


20He threw Joseph into prison, where the king’s prisoners were kept in chains. 21But the Lord was with Joseph there, too, and was kind to him by granting him favor with the chief jailer. 22In fact, the jailer soon handed over the entire prison administration to Joseph, so that all the other prisoners were responsible to him. 23The chief jailer had no more worries after that, for Joseph took care of everything, and the Lord was with him so that everything ran smoothly and well.

. . . . .Genesis 39:20-23


Almighty and merciful God,
we have sinned against you,
in thought, word and deed.
We have not loved you with all our heart.
We have not loved others
as our Saviour Christ loves us.
We are truly sorry.
In your mercy forgive what we have been,
help us to amend what we are,
and direct what we shall be;
that we may delight in your will
and walk in your ways,
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.