Benedict of Nursia

Abbot of Monte Cassino


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Benedict of Nursia
Abbot of Monte Cassino

Picture courtesy of Monastery Icons

Benedict son of a Roman noble of Nursia was an Italian Christian monk, writer, and theologian. He was educated in Nursia and then Rome. Disappointed with what he saw there Benedict found the alternative life-style of a monk attractive, and he withdrew to a solitary life at Subiaco, about 60 km east of Rome. For 3 years he lived in a cave above a lake at Subiaco, spending his time in prayer and contemplation. His eventual reputation for balance and moderation was won by self-discipline and experience.

Although cut off from the world, eventually disciples gathered around him, and his hermitage became a monastery. Monastic life at Subiaco continued peacefully for about 25 years, but a series of local incidents, possibly involving jealousy, began a persecution aimed at getting rid of Benedict. His reaction was to leave with some of his monks.

They settled at Monte Cassino midway between Rome and Naples and established a new monastery. Benedict was abbot there for 17 years, he was gentle, disciplined, wise, discreet, flexible, knowledgeable in God’s law, a spiritual father to the community. His main achievement is the set of rules he wrote for his monks, deeply rooted in Scripture, they showed how the life of a monk should be lived. His Rules became one of the most influential works in all of Western Christendom and would be used for centuries throughout Europe and beyond. The Benedictine Rule demonstrates a remarkable balance of work, rest, prayer and study. It offers a complete compendium for the management of a monastery, giving order in a framework that is flexible, considerate and workable. The intention of the rule is that by living in humility and obedience monks would learn to love God. The Daily Offices in the Book of Common Prayer are essentially the offices of the Benedictine Rule adapted and simplified for use by the ‘secular’ (i.e. non-monastic) worshippers in England. Many clergy and lay people have found it a helpful guide to follow.

Benedictine monasteries became the libraries and chief cultural centres of Europe, preserving history, and promoting learning, centres of hospitality, medicine and agriculture.

BORN: 480 in Nursia, North of Rome.

DIED: c. 547 A.D., Monte Cassino, Kingdom of the Ostrogoths