St Thomas

Apostle, Martyr


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St Thomas
Apostle, Martyr
Martyrdom of St Thomas by Rubens

Public Domain

Thomas is included as one of the Twelve in several lists of disciples in the New Testament (Matthew 10:3; Mark 3:8; Luke 6:15). Thomas features at greater length at three significant points in John's Gospel. There it is added that he is called “the twin”, whose twin he is, we are never told.

It was his willingness to sacrifice his life for Jesus which led the disciples to follow Jesus to Judea when they heard of Lazarus’ death.

“Let us also go, that we may die with him” - John 11:16

They rightly feared that the journey would cost Jesus his life. While they did not die with him in Judea, all but the apostle John were eventually martyred. In Jerusalem however, suspecting Jesus would die, Thomas still answers that he does not know where Jesus is going and so could not know the way. How many of us don't want to face the truth of a loved one dying. But it was the cue for Jesus’ announcement:

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life!” - John 14:6.

Thomas still did not fully understand. Told by the others, they have seen Jesus alive after his death, Thomas refused to believe it. For those who have doubts, you are not the first. How many of us doubt modern day supernatural acts of God? Personally confronted by the risen Jesus with his wounded hands and side Thomas made the definitive confession:

“My Lord and my God!” - John 20:28.

Like Thomas take courage. seek Jesus, ask for confirmation, you too will receive it! Through Thomas doubting of the resurrection we are given an understanding of how to believe, which is then consolidated in a summary of the Gospel’s purpose:

“that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name” - John 20:31..

Thomas is also named among the disciples who meet the risen Jesus in Galilee (John 21:2.). There are diverse legends about Thomas, including that he was commissioned to build a palace for an Indian king, he spent the money on evangelism and loving service and thereby built the king his palace in heaven. There is actual strong evidence that he reached India (outside of the Roman Empire) with the Gospel, and died there. Ultimately the King he served was Jesus.

BORN: 1st century AD, Galilee, Roman Empire.

DIED: 21 December 72, Parangimalai, Chennai, Chola Empire
. . . ( St. Thomas Mount, Tamil Nadu, India)