In the movie “Gladiator”, the heroic character called Maximus, makes a profound statement, “What we do in life, echoes in eternity.” Especially for those with power and authority.
Everyone can claim some power and authority, and what we do with it will echo through eternity. It will have rippling effects across the sea of time. That which we sow now, we shall reap in due season. Don’t fool yourself. Those words of indifference and unconcern expressed during someone else’s downfall will sprout up during your own tough times. That nasty attitude and gossip you spread about others will be repeated about you, when your problems hit the headlines. What’s goes around, eventually will come around. That which we do now, the good, the bad, and the ugly will pop back up in our future. Don’t think that you’re going through trials and tribulations for nothing. In due season you reap some patience. Don’t think you wasting your time by being patient with folks who tend to get on your last nerve. That patience will give you endurance to run the race. Don’t think that your giving and sacrifices for family and children are all done in vain. In due season, you grow some character, and when are a person of good character, you can always have hope: God does not forsaken the righteous; the Lord’s promises are true; all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called for his purpose. That which you are doing now with the power and authority given to you by God will echo throughout eternity.
We are readily reminded by the media that the “the lust for power, for dominating others, influences the heart more than any other human passion.” Conflicts in the Middle East, gunfire at the local playground, corporate boardroom battle tactics, and negotiations with our spouses, all remind us that we have some desire for power and authority in our lives. We want some control over the events in our lives, even the most pacifistic among us. Because at the other end of the scale, we all want a little power and strength to at least take care of ourselves.
There are a lot of folk with power but they have no authority. And there are folk with authority but they lack power. Many are using, abusing, and misusing power without any authority. Children are exerting physical power and killing other children in all forms of violence. Teens are flirting with sexual power while lacking authority over their bodies with self–control. Woke leftests are using social power to try to shame the majority into allowing the unthinkable, while claiming they are offended by everybody, when they are offensive to so many, but the majority, sadly won't tell them that. Black activists are claiming black power through playing the victim card. The truth is that Black lives matter because ALL lives matter, we are ALL of us creations of GOD! I am glad I don't live in the USA where last year, 10,000 black lives ended early from violence. They were not killed by Police or by White people, they were killed by other black people. Wake up! I know that the black churches in the USA have produced powerful people like Martin Luther King, step up and claim back your communites, you need to take back your power and take authority in Jesus name to heal your communities. The message I have repeatedly heard is that those that don't do well in life - those that don't thrive are those whose father didn't stick around to help raise them! Don't give up because you had no father - you have a HEAVENLY FATHER - start listening to Him, trust Him, let him heal your heart and guide you in the way you should go and watch the man with real POWER and AUTHORITY - Jesus - turn your life around.