Social Services Sunday


Anglican Missions group
Anglican Missions have put together a Biblical guide on Disaster Management.
Click the image to go to the guide.

Picture courtesy of Anglican Movement

Today Anglicans across Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia will celebrate Social Service Sunday. This annual commemoration offers us the opportunity to remember and to celebrate the myriad of ways Anglicans and our brothers and sisters in Christ in other denominations are reaching out with loving service throughout the country to those in need.

I invite you to pause and consider the many ways God cares for you and meets your needs. As we give thanks for God’s gracious provision in our lives. I want to remind you all of the call to share what we have with others and to stand in solidarity with those who are on the margins of our society. We are inspired to love and care for others because God first loves us. But don't let the amount of need in the world overwhelm you. The reality of others’ need can threaten our own sense of comfort and entitlement. Let it, but remember God loves you and you only have to give what he puts on your heart, and He knows your circumstances. Or do what He wants you to do. The kind of assistance we give to others must also be tempered by the fact that we need to protect our own families, especially those of us with young children. Helping others can often be difficult and uncomfortable. But there is always some way you can help.

One person can make a difference! By focusing on what we have received by grace, we can be encouraged and inspired to be a part of God’s transformational action in the world. You can be part of the solution. The Church has many different programmes to assist those who need help in our communities. Pick one locally that you could help or Check out THE ANGLICAN CARE NETWORK.