Pray & Obey


Pray and Obey

Picture background by Josh Hild, courtesy of Unsplash

Today's Lectionary readings are really about civilized behavior and not losing your temper. Tempers have been frayed world-wide lately. This has lead to uncivilized bad behavior globally. The most recent example being the assassination attempt of former U.S.A President Donald Trump. The attempt was shown live all over the internet and I want to make it clear here I am NOT a Trump supporter, Nor am I a Biden Supporter! I thank God I am NOT an American and I do not live in the USA. If you are American my question is: Aren't you sick of living in a country with a "wild west" mentality? The serenity prayer comes to mind here. Accept the things you cannot change, but CHANGE THE THINGS YOU CAN, with prayer and wisdom from God. Remember nothing is impossible with God and one person CAN make a difference!

Many are claiming that the assassination was a 'red flag' a staged job by Trump supporters. I don't think so, his supporters would not have risked his life by firing live ammunition so close to him that it actually injured him, It was live ammunition, blanks don't kill people and that comes to what appalled me most about this incident. - A veteran fire-fighter and 1st responder was killed in front of his wife and daughters and two others were critically injured, yet while prayers and commiserations quickly poured in for former President Trump - I heard nothing similar for the family of Firefighter Compertore, who died at the scene, or his family and the two other men in critical, but now stable, condition. Due to the quick actions of the secret service, Trump got only a minor injury! Please people get your priorities right and lets pray for the family of Firefighter Compertore, who must be hugely traumatized having seen their husband and father killed in front of their eyes and for the other two men in the hospital and their families. Also for all present at the incident now suffering P.T.S.D. from the event.

Those like the shooter, terrorists who are out there plotting evil and don't care who gets hurt in the process, like Hamas and Hezbollah and right now like the Russian leadership who recently decided to bomb a children's Hospital in the Ukraine, to all of you take note of our Old Testament reading - that is for you!

For all the Christians out there living where God has sent you, our Gospel reading is about Jesus and shows us our role model and the example we are meant to follow, He does not fight nor shout; He does not raise his voice! He does not crush the weak, Or quench the smallest hope; His name is the hope of the World and indeed the only Hope and the world really needs one! Our New Testament reading warns us to remember to say calm and NOT lose our temper, to not allow the corruption of the world to get to us. Instead remember you must be its salt - preserving civilized behavior and walking life God's way. Loving your enemy and doing your best to help those in need, not just standing on the sidelines and criticizing or leaving it all to the government or others - don't stop praying but PRAY and OBEY Jesus!