Today car engines are computerized. A light on your dashboard will let you know something's wrong and that it's time for a checkup. Your body uses pain as a signal (and I know it right now straight out of Hospital). Your soul will also send you a signal, but you have to be paying attention to the signals! Don't wait until you have a spiritual, moral, emotional or relational breakdown before you stop and pay attention. When your soul's thirst is not quenched and its needs are not met, it will seek relief some other way, often a way that could hurt you! You have to know your limits and know when it is time to take a break from work and stress and 'restore your soul', because otherwise it can cause physical changes that are you will not appreciate and you will soon start getting the physical signal that something is wrong, "pain".
Many have a difficult time saying "NO" to work. We're ensnared by guilt, as if stopping would somehow be irresponsible. Or we fear getting behind, losing ground, because we took a minute for ourselves. One of the hardest things to achieve in life, especially for Christians is not success - but a sense of balance. Especially if you work in ministry, God is NOT a slave-driver, we take up that role for ourselves, our love for Him, for others and our longing to do our best and not let Him down, means it is much harder to say "Enough" especially when it is a calling and not just a job.
So even if you work for God, with all your goal-setting and 'go-getting', don't forget your soul. Even God rested (Genesis 2:2). And if He did, we all need too! The power of rest is that it allows you to enjoy the journey of life and not just the destination. If you don't learn to stop, rest and 'smell the roses' by choice, then God and your lifestyle is likely to force you to rest whether you like it or not - probably in a Hospital. 'When God 'makes you lie down in green pastures', don't knock it, enjoy it while you can, he wants us to enjoy an abundant life, enjoy the blessings He brings you, appreciate and Thank Him for them.
The truth is we need to take a short time - every day or once a week at least, to step aside into a quiet place with Him and allow Him to lead us, beside the still waters of his presence spending time in His peace and blessing - let it refresh our souls. Only then should we don the spiritual armor and head back out into the battle of life. It's Shabbat ~ tell work NO and take a deep breath and go 'smell the roses'.