The Desert Shall Bloom
The desert shall rejoice and blossom;
it shall rejoice with gladness and singing.
The glory of the Lord shall be revealed:
and the majesty of our God.
Old Testament Reading - God’s generosity
1Say there! Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink — even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine and milk — it’s all free! 2Why spend your money on food that doesn’t give you strength? Why pay for groceries that do you no good? Listen and I’ll tell you where to get good food that fattens up the soul!
3Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, for the life of your soul is at stake. I am ready to make an everlasting covenant with you, to give you all the unfailing mercies and love that I had for King David.a
. . . . .Isaiah 55:1-3- See 2 Samuel 7 for the terms of God’s covenant with David here remembered.
Almighty and merciful God,
we have sinned against you,
in thought, word and deed.
We have not loved you with all our heart.
We have not loved others
as our Saviour Christ loves us.
We are truly sorry.
In your mercy forgive what we have been,
help us to amend what we are,
and direct what we shall be;
that we may delight in your will
and walk in your ways,
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.