Waitangi - What Really Happened (Pretty Much) - Part 7
God of the southern sea,
and of these islands,
of Maori, Pakeha.
and all who dwell in our land;
we give your thanks and praise for our country,.
and for what we have achieved together.
increase our trust in one another;
strengthen our quest for justice,
and bring us to unity and a common purpose.
You have made created us all as human beings,
we are one in you,
help us be kind to one another.
Special Prayer
Blessed are you, God of the Universe.
You have created us, and given us life.
Blessed are you, God of the planet earth.
You have set our world like a radient jewel in the heavens,
and filled it with action, beauty, suffering, struggle and hope.
Blessed are you, God of Aotearoa New Zealand
in all the peoples who live here,
in all the lessons we have learned,
in all that remains for us to do.
Blessed are you because you need us;
because you make us worthwhile,
because you give us people to love
and work to do
for your universe, for your world and for ourselves.
The Blessing
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
be with us all evermore.