Joseph's brothers didn't recognize Him so as the song says: 'I shall now take them all for a ride
After all they have tried fratricide'
There is a lot of tension between Egypt and Israel right now, and we should all be praying for peace between them. If you ever wondered when Israel and Egypt first got involved, today's Old Testament Reading tells that story. It is the end of a story about a man named Joseph, son of Israel (Jacob), the Patriarch who founded the nation of Israel. A play and movie was made about him called, "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". His brothers tried to kill him then instead sold him into slavery, so he ended up a slave in Egypt, but God was with him and he went from being a slave to being 2nd only to Pharaoh (King) of Egypt. Joseph saved both Egypt and Israel during a 7 year long famine. But Israel outstayed their welcome and were later enslaved by a different Pharaoh, that was how it all began. An Israeli saved both nations.
Our gospel reading is a piece of the Greatest Sermon ever given, The Sermon on the Mount, given by Jesus where he charges us with almost impossible standards. He presents us with an unattainable level of righteousness to highlight the need for God's Grace and forgiveness. Like "Love your enemy", teaching us about the Power of Forgiveness. I say impossible standards but Jesus makes them possible, if you ask for his help.
Our Epistle Reading is more on the Resurrection of the Dead and the Supernatural bodies we will receive when we are resurrected. Paul uses an example that every gardener will recognize, a seed has to die and be buried (just as our bodies, when we die) and the resulting plant will look very different than the seed which went into the ground. The new bodies we will receive will be like Christ's free of disease and decay, immortal, so that we can dwell in God's presence with Him forever.