O Lord, open our lips;
And our mouth shall proclaim your praise.
Opening Sentance
Suddenly the Angel of Jehovah appeared to him as a flame of fire in a bush. When Moses saw that the bush was on fire and that it didn’t burn up,. . . . Exodus 3:2
Our Sovereign and Saviour draws near:
O come, let us worship.
Psalm 72
- Give the king your justice O God:
and your righteousness to a king's son, - that he may judge your people rightly:
and uphold the poor with justice. - Let the mountains bring forth peace for the people:
and the hills prosperity with justice. - May the king defend the cause
of the poor among the people:
save the children of the needy
and crush the oppressor. - May he live as long as the sun endures:
as long as the moon from age to age. - May he come down like rain upon the grass:
like showers that water the earth. - In his days may righteousness flourish:
and abundance of peace till the moon is no more. - May his rule extend from sea to sea:
and from the River to the ends of the earth. - May the tribes of the desert bow down before him:
and his enemies lick the dust. - May the kings of Tarshish and of the isles pay tribute:
the kings of Sheba and Seba bring their gifts.
- May all kings fall prostrate before him:
and all nations render him service. - He shall deliver the needy when they cry:
and the poor who have no helper. - He shall have pity on the weak and the needy:
and save the lives of the poor. - He shall rescue them from oppression and violence:
and their blood shall be precious in his sight. - Long may the king live, and receive gifts of gold from Sheba:
may prayer be made for him continually,
and may people bless him every day. - Let there be abundance of wheat in the land, growing thick up to the hilltops:
may its crops flourish like those of Lebanon,
and the sheaves be numberless as blades of grass. - May the king live forever:
and his name endure as long as the sun. - May all nations pray to be blessed as he is:
and all peoples call him blessed. - Blessed are you O Lord our God:
for you alone do marvellous things. - Blessed be your glorious name forever:
let the whole earth be filled with your glory.
Amen. Amen.
Special Collect
Almighty God,
give us the grace to cast off the works of darkness
and put on the armour of light,,
now in the time of this mortal life,
in which your Son Jesus Christ came to us in great humility;,
so that when he shall come again in his glorious majesty
we may rise to the life immortal;
through him who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and forever.