There are none so blind as those who will not see! It is an old saying and I think has it's origins in the Bible in Jesus words, in talking about the Pharisees. It is a mixture of two things he said about them, the first that they are Blind guides, the second is today's reading he talks of them as being those whom nothing will satisfy.
John the Baptist came to Israel and acted like a prophet is traditionally meant to act, he fasted regularly, never drank alcohol, and preached in the wilderness. Matthew said of John the Baptist that John wore a garment of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey. He dotted the i's and crossed the t's when it came to the traditional view of what a great prophet should be like and should do! Yet the Pharisees said he was Crazy!
Jesus came, eating and drinking (the opposite of John) but showing who he was through miracles, signs and wisdom, and they said he was demon possessed, in spite of the fact that he cast out demons! Jesus says, 'I am sure you can always justify your inconsistencies'. We human beings tend to do that. The point is with some people you can tell them the truth but the truth is often inconvenient and they will stick their heads in the sand and stubbornly refuse to even listen. Like the people in Noah's time before the flood! None so blind as those who will not see, even when it is right in front of their eyes.
One of the greatest inconsistencies I see in the world today is reverse racism. This is when people of color act racist towards white people, and it is happening more often in the world. I see Black Americans carrying on about, slavery and 'white privilege' which their ancestors experianced and they NEVER did! The inconsistency is that slavery wasn't racially based, there were just as many 'white slaves' transported to the American colonies. Do you see their descendants calling for reparation? Slavery was never really a racial issue, it was always an economic one! Do the research into 'white slavery' and you see the truth. As early as 1630 Scottish slaves were being transported and sold in the American colonies. 'White privilege' ended with the Civil Rights Act and the ACLU would be quick to jump on any that still exists. The point is if it didn't happen to you personally, learn what lessons you can from it and LET IT GO! If you really have an issue with slavery, there are more slaves in Africa today than ever were in the Atlantic Slave Trade - try doing something about that. Oh and so sorry, but the vast majority of slave owners today aren't white! Learn the truth! Stop demonizing other races, there is good and bad in every race, instead put your efforts into helping others and bringing unity instead of division.