The Creation of Eve & A controversial Gospel Reading


Adam & Eve
The Creation of Eve

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This was a question in my Inbox, 'Why didn't God create Eve from the dust as he did Adam? Good question! I once joked when called "Adam's rib", that men were the prototype and women the new improved model. Truth is the differences between men and women are so radical, that they are like two entire different species. The way men and women mentally process information, and deal with emotions is different, the way their memory works is different, while we have all the same bones, the bone structure is different, (which is how Archeologists can tell the difference between male and female skeletons), the muscle structure is different, the differences go far beyond just the hormones and sexual organs.

God needed to establish a connection, Adam was made to have dominion over the earth, Eve was made to help him, not to rule over him, and not to be abused by him. She is made from him, connected, 'This one finally is bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh.' Man is not whole without someone to love! Women need to feel loved! Making her from the rib was beautifully symbolic. There is an old saying: The woman came out of a man's rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from his side to be equal. Under his arm to be protected, and next to his heart to be cherished and loved.

In a Christian marriage the 2 are equal to the point where they own each other's bodies, and become 1 person together. It is NOT one sided with the man owning the women! The man is labeled as the "head" spiritually, this doesn't mean he gets to boss the wife around, it means he carries more responsibility before Christ. He is responsible for steadfastly continuing to love her and show her that love, for being self-sacrificing for her well-being, and for being the Spiritual leader, setting a Godly example in his home. It is the wife's role to submit and accept that love.

Today's gospel reading is controversial and often misunderstood. A modern version of this would be: A Palestinian mother comes to a famous Jewish Israeli surgeon, and asks him to please do a complicated and expensive surgery for free on her daughter. The surgeon says, I am here to treat my own people, why should I treat your daughter with all the Palestinians have done to my people? She humbly answers, I know we do not deserve your help, but is not your God a kind and merciful God? Please help my daughter. Jesus knew his disciples had been raised to think of pagan gentiles as "dogs", most of the gentile neighbors of Israel in the centuries before Christ had some fairly nasty religious practices. Jesus was sent first to the Jews, but he knew he was to be also a 'light to and hope of the Gentiles.' I believe Jesus knew she would answer as she did, that the Holy Spirit would cause her to do so, and he is showing his disciples that the Gentiles were worthy of His attention and help. The modern day version of this is happening in an Israeli hospital today - I doubt you will hear it on the news but Israel's Sheba Medical Centre has been accepting and treating Palestinian patients from Gaza and the West Bank since long before the 7th Oct and that hasn't changed, even with the War. Give thanks and pray God blesses them today!

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