Morning Prayer

I give thanks unto You, Adonai,
that, in mercy,
You have restored my soul within me.
Endless is Your compassion;
great is Your faithfulness.
I thank You, Adonai,
for the rest You have given me through the night
and for the breath that renews my body and spirit.

Opening Sentance

Andrew said, 'Here are five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?'. . . . .John 6:9.

God ever reigns on high.
O come, let us worship.

Psalm 107:23-32

  1. Those who go down to the sea in ships:
    and ply their trade on great waters,
  2. they have seen your works O Lord:
    and the wonders you do in the deep.
  3. At your command the stormy wind arose:
    and lifted up the waves.
  4. They were carried up to the sky,
    and down again to the depths:
    their courage melted away in their peril.
  5. They reeled to and fro, and staggered as if drunken:
    their seafaring skill was utterly without avail.
  6. Then they cried to you O Lord in their trouble:
    and you rescued them from their distress.
  7. You made the storm be still:
    and the roaring waves were hushed.
  8. Then they were glad because it was calm:
    and so you brought them to the harbour
    where they had longed to be.
  9. Let them thank you O Lord for your steadfast love:
    for the wonders that you do for us.
  10. Let them extol you in the assembly of the people:
    and praise you in the council of elders.
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Prayer 7s Ministry, New Zealand. You may not use the material for commercial purposes.