God's Purpose

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


The creation of Adam
God's Purpose
Img: The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo
Sistine Chapel's ceiling

Public Domain

The first of today's Scripture readings is from a book once part of the Bible, now part of the Apocrypha and probably never should have been cut out of the Bible - Solomon's book of Wisdom. The reading makes absolutely clear - what is NOT God's purpose - God did not create Death! It makes it clear that he NEVER DELIGHTS in the Death of the LIVING - no matter who they are or what evil they may have done.

God is Love! Loving Him is the 1st and greatest of the 10 commandments, but if you take a close look at the rest, you will realize that they are sensible and practical, Universal Laws put in place to KEEP US FROM HURTING EACH OTHER, and OURSELVES! Why? HE LOVES us! According to Solomon, - God created us for incorruption, and made us in the image of his own eternity. We were to be His children, his family. Death was ushered in by Sin and Satan.

Sin gets in the way, only God could conquer Sin and permanently defeat death, but the cost of doing so, and of saving us was that the Spirit of God that was Jesus would have to endure separation from God the Father, temporarily at least and be trapped forever in a physical body. If he wanted to save us, it was the only way! Why do it? Love! We don't deserve it - there was really nothing in it for Him, He didn't need us, but He loves us! We are ALL God's CHOSEN ones! When we choose Him back He delights in Us as a bridegroom delights in the bride who has freely chosen to give him her love and trust him with her future!