Praise the Lord!


Let all the joys of the godly well up in praise to the Lord, for it is right to praise Him. - Psalm 33:1
messianic worship
Praise the Lord!

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Worship is beautiful to God if it comes from a righteous person. We are so blessed that we don’t have to count on our own righteousness (most of us have none). We are righteous before God through Christ. Jesus gave us His righteousness when He took our sins on Himself, so if you are a born again child of God, who has asked Jesus to come in and take over your life, then you have His righteousness. Use it to praise God in bad circumstances and see them change. You don’t even have to pray sometimes, although it's a very good idea, just worship and focus on Him and He sorts it out - He knows what you need.

Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated. - 2 Chronicles 20:22 (NKJV)

Amazing things happen when you praise the Lord. Even in the New Testament - one time Paul and Silas had been beaten with rods, then bruised and bloodly were locked up in prison with their feet chained in stocks. Yet they were praising and worshiping God. At midnight they were singing hymns (probably psalms since they were Jewish). Then a great earthquake occured and all the prison doors flew open and their chains fell off. What battles are you facing? Anybody face something that you can’t handle this week? Have you tried praising God? Have you praised God until he “ambushed” your enemies? Try worshipping God, and see what happens. I am praising Him today and with good reason, a close friend on my prayer list has had the all clear from Cancer!

Also Shabbat begins at sunset and a miracle is occuring in Israel. A strange effect of the massacre and horror's of Oct 7 and the ongoing war with Hamas and Hezbollah, is that a great spiritual shift is happening in Israel. More people are positively responding to Yeshua (Jesus) than ever before. Previously Yeshua was a curse word in Israel, and Christianity was the #1 hated enemy. This was largely because of the actions of the Crusaders, the Inquisition and Programs throughout history. The majority of Jews don't know Jesus was a Rabbi, that the 1st disciples of Jesus and the 1st Christians were Jews. They think the New Testament is full of anti-semitism and that Christianity is a Gentile thing. But now Israeli's have become more open to hearing the gospel, a lot of this because of the giving hearts and work of Jews for Jesus, and other Messianic organisations and congregations reaching out to freely offer help after Oct 7, often at risk to their own lives. Please pray for Israel today, that the wave of those coming to know their Messiah would continue. Pray that God would continue to protect Israel, and as commanded by the Lord - Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.