How can you know God wants you to succeed in life? Three reasons:
1. Because he created you. In Genesis he said:
The words 'image' and 'likeness' are important. Think about it: we sometimes tell a child, 'You're the image of your mother/father. You're just like her/him!' Because you are God's supreme creation, He poured into you His mind, His power, His wisdom, and everything else you need to succeed. Once you grasp the truth, of that and begin to act on it, your outlook will be transformed. You will start thinking like a 'no limit person'.
2. Because you have Worth.: Actress Ethel Waters, who used to sing at the Billy Graham crusades, said, 'I am somebody, 'cause my God don't make no junk!' As the crowning achievement of God's creation, you are the object of his attention and affection.
3. Because everything God made was for you.
You made them rulers over the works of your hands, you put everything under their feet.- Psalm 8:6 (NIV)
Does that mean God will simply drop success into your lap? No.
When mankind sinned we lost the job, we no longer are entitled to dominion over all the earth, but we still need to take care of it as much as we are able, because we will be held responsible for the damage we do to His creation. That said we still retain the creative potential given us, because it is encoded in our DNA - He is the Creator and we were made in his image - we can create! You have the ability to succeed in whatever He calls you to do. So stop thinking like a victim, everyone has endured something, we all have our stories, some worse than others, but instead of focusing on your pain try and use whatever you have endured as inspiration to change the world and help others, try and make the world a better place for having had you in it and God will help you.