Good Morning Jesus

Opening Sentance

Jesus said to Mary, ‘Go to my friends and say to them, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”’ . . . .John 20:17.

Always be joyful, pray continually;
give thanks, whatever happens.

Psalm 116


  1. I love you O Lord because you heard my voice;
    when I made my supplication.
  2. because you turned your ear to me;
    when I called upon your name.
  3. The cords of death entangled me,
    and the grip of Sheol laid hold on me;
    distress and anguish descended upon me.
  4. Then I called upon the name of the Lord;
    'Deliver me O Lord I beseech you.'
  5. Gracious is the Lord and righteous:
    truly our God is a God of compassion.
  6. The Lord preserves the simple-hearted:
    when I was brought low the Lord saved me.
  7. Be at rest once more O my soul
    for the Lord has treated you kindly.
  8. The Lord has saved me from death;
    and kept my eyes from tears
    and my feet from stumbling.
  9. so that I may walk in the presence of the Lord:
    in the land of the living.


  1. I kept my faith, even when I said,
    'I am in sore distress':
    in my haste I said, 'No one can be trusted.'
  2. How can I repay you O Lord:
    for all the good things you have done to me?
  3. I will take up the cup of salvation:
    and call on the name of the Lord.
  4. I will pay my vows to the Lord:
    in the presence of all God's people.
  5. Grievous in the sight of the Lord:
    is the death of a faithful servant.
  6. Lord I am your servant,
    the child of your maidservant:
    you have freed me from my bonds.
  7. I will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving:
    and call on the name of the Lord.
  8. I will pay my vows to the Lord:
    in the presence of all God's people.
  9. in the courts of the Lord's house:
    in your midst O Jerusalem.
    O praise the Lord.

The Armour of God

Almighty God,
grant us your wisdom and favour,
give us the grace to cast off the works of darkness
and put on the full armour of God,
now in the time of this mortal life,
Place on us the belt of truth, because you are the way,
    and the truth and the life,
the breastplate of righteousness,
    because we have no righteousness of our own,
    but you became our righteousness on the cross.
Place on us shoes of the Gospel of peace
    that we miss no opportunity to share your love with others.
Put on us the shield of faith,
    that the fiery darts of the enemy do not harm us in any way.
Put on us the helmet of salvation,
    that our minds be protected and renewed daily in You.
Put on us the sword of the Spirit,
    which is the word of God;
    and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    the Love of God
    and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with us all for ever more.