
Tuesday in Easter Week


Mary weeping at the tomb and the risen Jesus
Tuesday in Easter Week

Picture courtesy of lavistachurchofchrist.org

In the aftermath of Resurrection Sunday I want to go back and look at the last week of lenten study, which is still relevant. Wairuatanga is a Maori word meaning the distinctive identity or spirituality of people and places. Science with DNA has now proven we are all connected to past generations. As we go through the uncertainties of life and change, this sense of connection can help us gain our bearings and creates an identity for us.

Christianity's own past generations go back not a mere 2,000 years, but at least 4,000. We worship one God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Christianity is not a new religion, but is Trans-cultural Messianic Judaism. The word "church," does not just mean a building, but the conglomeration of all truly born-again Christians who make up the Body of Christ. Most different denominations are merely different branches of that same family tree, the christan branches rooted in Christ, reaching back to Judaism and then branching out growing greater than the original tree.

The last week of lent looked at John 16 where Jesus was trying to prepare the disciples for his death, only he knew, it was not the end. Jesus used the example of a woman giving birth. Emily in the lent video talked about labouring with birth and she is right, having been through it myself more than once, with my own horror stories - you endure the pain and suffering because it is an unavoidable part of the creation process, you are part of that process, you know the pain is not permanent and the reward on the other side of the pain is so great. The joy as they lay your baby in your arms.

Pregnant women live with a ‘now but not yet’ of waiting for that suffering and joy. It is a time full of wonder, and awe as you feel the new life moving within you, and even while a lot of discomfort can be happening and you know the suffering and pain ahead, you also know, their will be joy after. Having just celebrated Easter, we saw the suffering, grief and sadness of our Lord and the disciples, then the joy of the resurrection. Like a labouring mother Jesus endured the cross knowing the joy that would follow. It is why eggs, a symbol of new life, are given on Easter Sunday.

We wait, like expectant mother's, in a world that is ‘roughed up’ full of grief, war, greed, suffering and pain, but also the wonder of creation, beauty and joy. We wait for the ultimate fulfilment of God’s rescue plan for humanity. We know we may have to face persecution and the tribulation, grief, suffering and pain like that of the disciples. But we are NOT ALONE, Jesus is alive he showed himself alive to his disciples and over 500 people. He has continued to show himself alive to many, down through the Centuries and we can have a taste of joy now as we await his physical return.