LUNCH (Sext)


Psalm 114

  1. When Israel came out of Egypt:
    the house of Jacob from among
    the people of an alien tongue,
  2. Judah became the Lord's temple:
    and Israel became God's kingdom.
  3. The sea fled at the sight of it:
    and Jordan turned back in its course.
  4. The mountains skipped like rams:
    and the hills like yearling sheep.
  5. Why was it that you fled O sea:
    and you Jordan that you turned back.
  6. you mountains that you skipped like rams:
    and you hills like yearling sheep?
  7. Tremble O earth at the presence of the Lord:
    at the presence of the God of Jacob,
  8. who turned the hard rock into a pool of water:
    and the flint-stone into a gushing spring.


Living Christ, you are risen from the dead!
Love reigns!
You are life stronger than death;
raise our eyes to see you
as the new day dawns.


Glorious Lord of Life,
we praise you,
that by the mighty resurrection of your Son,
you have delivered us from sin and death
and made your whole creation new;
grant that we who celebrate with joy
Christ’s rising from the dead,
may be raised from the death of sin
to the life of righteousness;
through him who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.

The Blessing

May the risen Christ grant us the joy of eternal life.