Passover Shopping List
Special Unleavened bread. Now I couldn't get this where I live, so last year I used multigrain wraps. Just check the ingredients list to make sure they have no Yeast and your fine. The Jews have to make sure they are kosher, but Christians don't have to worry about that so they are just fine. Remember you want no yeast anywhere in your home for a week so you will need enough to replace your weeks bread supply. We found they keep better than bread.
Make sure to pick up fresh parsley (or lettuce, or celery) for the bitter herbs Leftover parsley also makes a great garnish on serving plates plus it is really high in iron and good for you.
For remembering the pain of God's children as slaves in Egypt. Countdown has this but I recommend the one with beetroot added, (known as beets in the USA), apparently good with fish, which is often served as part of a Jewish seder.
-This cold fruit salad is made to represent the mortar the Israelites used while laying bricks during their enslavement. You will need:-
- Apples and/or Pears
- Walnuts and/or Desiccated coconut.
- Sweet red wine or Sparkling Grape Juice
- Cinnamon and/or Nutmeg, Cloves, Allspice.
- Dried fruit like raisins, dates, prunes or apricots.
There are many different combinations or you can mix your own. Click here for receipes.
-Not only does a hard boiled egg belong on the Seder plate, but eggs (usually served sliced and floating in salt water) are an easy nibble to pass to guests during the telling of the Passover story before the main meal.
Lamb Roast with shank
Because The Temple was destroyed, the Jews animal sacrifices ceased, so they can not offer a lamb and therefore have a shank on the seder plate in memorial but do not eat lamb on passover. As Christians Jesus was our permanent lamb of God sacrificed for us. So we need no animal sacrifice any more and can eat lamb in memory of the passover and of our Lord's sacrifice on the cross, which occured on the very day and hour that they were sacrificing the lambs in the Temple for passover.
An Orange
Rumor has it that a rabbi once said that a woman belongs on a bema (torah reading platform) like an orange belongs on a seder plate. Women around the world now put oranges on their seder plates as a symbol of the fruitfulness of all Jews.
Red Wine/Grape Juice
Now I know that we already have sweet red wine on the charoset list but there are 4 glasses to be consumed during the passover meal so make sure you have enough or ask guests to bring some. It can be watered down (make sure a jug of water is available) This was usually done, (1 part wine 3 parts water) because the whole family would consume this. So ok for drivers 4 = 1 real glass and with food) Brestfeeding mums will have to abstain. It is illegal in New Zealand to give children any alcohol so if anyone at your Passover will be under 18 yrs, or doesn't want to drink alcohol, count your blessings and your pennies because, Sparkling Grape Juice bottles are cheap, look enough like wine to fool the younger children and taste pretty good too.
Matzo Ball Soup
-While not necessary this is a favourite Jewish dish. Matzo ball soup basicly chicken soup with dumplings made of matza meal. Take some chicken stock (or broth), add sliced carrots, fresh parsley or dill and, of course, matzo balls. The matzo balls themselves are made of eggs, vegetable oil (although it’s said that chicken fat makes an even better matzo ball), water, matzo meal and salt and pepper. The matzo balls are simmered in a pot of water until light and fluffy, then added to the stock mixture. The equivilent for Matzo Meal (or matzah) here in N.Z. where it isn't sold in the supermarkets is probabaly to buy a packet of Huntly and Palmers Crackers or real Matzo and wizz them up into crumbs in a food processor, then make the dumplings out of them and drop in chicken stock after the carrots are cooked for 20 mins or so and serve.
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